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mission statement

DIVEST BING is a student-coordinated campaign for financial transparency and ethical investment at SUNY Binghamton.


We strive to ensure that the financial portfolio of Binghamton University aligns with its expressed core values including engagement, excellence, and global-mindedness.


DIVEST BING, upon receiving full transparency, calls upon SUNY Binghamton to divest from publicly-traded companies that own the majority of carbon reserves worldwide and reinvest in socially responsible funds. With numerous opportunities to invest in ethical and environmentally conscious companies, the choice is clear: we must harness our position as a privileged SUNY institution to confront the gravest planetary and humanitarian crisis of our time.


DIVEST BING is committed to a horizontal organizational structure and consensus-based decision making.


DIVEST BING works in solidarity with those most vulnerable to climate change, environmental degradation, and the military-industrial-academic complex.

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